Stand For Change
The Trussell Trust, UK wide.
We were extremely excited to be approached by The Trussell Trust to work on Stand For Change; a national campaign working with a group of young people from across the UK. The campaign is set to produce educational resources for young people and educators, which aim to change minds about the real causes and impacts of poverty. The Trust want people to feel inspired to take action, locally, regionally and nationally, so that they too will stand for change and work towards a UK without the need for foodbanks.
In this first phase, Get It Done have been working with the group to run a series of residentials taking place across the UK, to co-design a Social Action Toolkit, to help young people build their own social and community projects, and an Anti-Poverty Educator Toolkit, to provide resources for teachers, educators and parents on best practices on caring for those facing financial hardships. Read below for more information about our weekenders.
In the second phase, we will be trialling these resources with educators, young people and the public, through a series of pop-up events and workshops.
Scarborough & Whitby
May 2022
The first residential trip of our programme, focused on creating a Social Action Toolkit; a guide to help young people start their own community projects for social change.Hosted by Scarborough Art Gallery through fun activities like identity collages and mirror portraits, we got to the root cause of social action projects, reflecting on our ambitions; what issues do we care about? What skills do we need to do a project like this? And what benefits will it bring?
On day two, we discussed HOW we build our community projects, mapping our resources and networks of support, looking for financial funding and celebrating successes.
May 2022
Our second residential focused on the Anti-Poverty educator toolkit and all the best ways educators can support young people facing financial hardships.Over the weekend we discussed the impact of personal narratives and facing difficulties with resilience, exploring examples and experiences of financial hardships presenting themselves through the school day. With visual anthropology filmmakers Julia Brow and Ruby Davis we created two short documentary films and two TikToks discussing how young people facing financial hardships feel unsupported and stigmatised in school settings, and reflecting on what the dream educational setting looks like.
June 2022
In June we ran a co-design day at East Street Arts in Leeds to discuss the design of our two toolkits. We agreed on layouts, colour schemes and designs to make sure the toolkits were appealing and engaging to our audiences, especially young people. In the afternoon, led by artist Bella Carreras, the group tried experimental drawing to design fun and abstract motifs to be included in the final drafts.
The toolkits were then designed by artist Holly Temple, filled with drawings and motifs designed by the group, to be trialled with the wider community ahead of their launch.